supervising a student on her master’s thesis. She is without doubt over the
average level when it comes to psychological theories and quantitative method.
All of the psych students seem to be very good at quantitative methodology. In
Sweden I think we are more of qualitative methodologists. Math and logical
thinking is in a way up to technicians seems to be the situation back home. I
had an explanation about “letting the helpseeker se more than usual” by using
the nautical princip for when you can see a lighthouse at sea. The formula is
2,2 x the squareroot of the height (in meters). You get the answer in nautic
miles. If your eyes or the lighthouse becomes higher you can see longer. This
metaphor is my way of explaining the horizon of possibilities. They all
understood the metaphor and that was, I think, due to their knowledge of
natural science. A great lot of my Swedish students wouldn’t understand this. I
don't mean that this is good or bad but different and it says something about
the schoolsystem in our countries. As a good teacher I tried to explain a
theoretical concept in a way corresponding to the students mindset; I had done
it in another way in Sweden…
of my students when presenting their reflections over a group career counseling
session showed that they are far beyond the average level. One of them had done
four sessions just to practice and to see a change among the group members.
Another student had done two sessions and a third student had had three
different groups just to be able to compare. A presentation like this makes it
joyable to work as a lecturer. You feel proud over your students and you can
see that your efforts pay off. That’s good!
this can be explained by the fact that the course is at the master’s level or
that the majority of the students are working full time and are very
interesting in career guidance it hard to tell. But, despite the explanation
it’s very nice and encouraging to work with them.
I was recruiting students at the Foundation Studies (like the Swedish
“naturvetenskapligt or samhällsvetenskapligt basår”) as help seekers to my own
students when they are to have a series of counseling dialogues with a person
they never met before, all except one of the 18 students volunteered. I don’t
think this would happen in Sweden; interesting…the explanation can be that they
live up to the expectations of others and that this behavior is common here. Or
can it be that they have heard about Planned Happenstance?
pacific islanders (compared to swedes) are more adaptable and curious meeting
something new that seems to be interesting. Are swedes more like newborn birds
with big gaps, thinking they know nearly everything?
Hej Leif! Hoppas livet leker, fick Gunilla jobb som poolvakt? Här händer ju inte så mycket sommaren gick som vanligt alldeles för fort fram till slutet på juli jobbade vi bara med "snuskaftonen" med Robert Gustavsson i byxelkrok det tog rätt mycket energi., det gick utmärkt stor succe även om vårt ekonomiska avtal kunde gjorts bättre Helene fick vara fin diplomat med min bror ety jag inte var talbar under ett par dagar men that´s life. Sen kom då augusti och fortfarande utan någon större värme (vi har badat typ 2ggr i sommar) Helene jobbade kopiöst med erotik kalendern och du pryder verkligen bryggan!! Ann blev mycket glad. Ja sen har vi varit på Antons premiär i Wien som var trevligt. nu är man i skogen igen paddlar kanot med elever uti Korrö stupalöst. Såg att gunilla hade tankar om den indiska maten och nu har vi fått en ra som jag påtalat tidigare så har vi varit urusla med att kommentera o läsa men hoppas få träffa er så småningom. Du får väl vidarbefodra våra korta rader till Gunilla, läste just att hon snabbhälsat på barnen i Skåne.Gillade också "du ska inte sätta dig över klanen"
SvaraRaderakramar HD
Roligt att tidigare läsare återvänder. Ni verkar haft en mångfacetterad sommar. Ska bli kul att träffas framåt jul. Nej, hon fick inte jobbet och har därför varit tvungen att återvända till 11gården. Livet är hårt. Den gode Robert är ju enligt ryktet en snål typ; jag tror han har passerat zenit. Bra att Anton är en kul och duktig ung man som gläder sin fader och familj i övrigt.